We’re updating our encryption requirements for email. You may have recently received an email asking you to update your email settings to use SSL. This is for additional privacy and protection. We’ll be updating these requirements effective December 1st,...
Let’s Encrypt is the certificate issuer used by LMi. As of 9/30/2021, the root certificate Let’s Encrypt used for compatibility with older devices has expired. Users running older versions of macOS and Windows are likely to encounter a warning about an...
As an LMi.net member, you know that competitive internet access and telecom service is worth saving. A recent petition submitted to the FCC by the US Telecom Association, representing AT&T and other incumbents threatens LMi.net and all other competitive carriers....
BERKELEY, CALIF. (PRWEB) DECEMBER 20, 2017 LMi.net, the Bay Area’s independent Internet Service Provider, has begun rolling out the fastest residential internet access ever available by utilizing fiber optics in many areas of Albany, Berkeley, Kensington, Emeryville,...